نعنع لاين. Mint

Chose your delivery date according to your area; time will be set at 9-9:30am per default, you be will delivered during the day As well as fresh herbs
Currently we are under development, not such an easy task given the circumstances We are trying to grow the healthiest products with the least impact on the environment

Only high quality nutrients are added to water.

اقتراح اسماء مطاعم 2021
Strawberries and cherry tomatoes when they're in season
We are growing mainly 4 types of lettuces: Lollo Rosso, Lollo Bionda, Green Oak Leaf and Red Oak Leaf

PAY UPON DELIVERY - Monday, Wednesday and Friday : Tripoli - Koura 8000 LL Delivery charges Wednesday : Zgharta 8000 LL Delivery charges Tuesday : Batroun - Byblos - Up to Ashrafieh - Beirut - coastal side 12000 LL Delivery charges Minimum order: 20 000LL Once the health situation allows it again, you are welcome to come pick your selection directly on site for free.

We also grow kale all year round