تعريف المايكرويف. ايجابيات وسلبيات الميكرويف بالانجليزي

Microwaves also ensure that you will never burn your food again It releases radiation that can be dangerous and lead to cancer• Kitchen utensil disinfection: Microwave ovens can help disinfect kitchen gadgets like plastic cutting boards and sponges
Food can be cooked in a limited capacity, so it is not the best choice for large families Unlike a conventional oven, they do not heat the entire space inside the device and only use waves to heat the food kept in it

Simply soak sponges and cutting boards in some lemon juice and heat in the microwave for a minute.

تطبيقات الامواج الميكروية
The nutritional value has been reduced
ما هو المايكرويف
نظره علي المكونات الاساسية لفرن الميكروويفMicrowave Oven part Overview
Microwaves kill the beneficial properties of live food
Plant alkaloids have been converted into carcinogens in raw or frozen vegetables Electromagnetic radiation travels in the form of waves or particles of different wavelengths and frequencies
Lacks the option of deep frying or making chapati It is unsafe to cook plastic cookware in the microwave

Few studies indicate that microwaved food contains agents that can weaken the immune system.

تعريف microwave link
Microwaves cause the plastic containers to release harmful chemicals into your food
مكونات جهاز الميكروويف من كريازي 01021447924
Some ovens have fans that distribute heat uniformly
مميزات و عيوب استخدام الميكروويف‫
Heating up food has never been faster, and families are served hot food within minutes