شعار النسويه. بوابة:نسوية

Essays from 1994—99 , University of Minnesota Press 2006 Kinnaird, Joan; Astell, Mary 1983
Advocacy of equality of the sexes and the establishment of the political, social, and economic rights of the female sex; the movement associated with this Howe, Mica; Aguiar, Sarah Appleton 2001

Columbus: Ohio State University Press, p.

Differential aesthetics: art practices, philosophy and feminist understandings
Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
ماهية وأهداف الحركة النسوية
New Haven: Yale University Press
Shaping the future of feminist psychology: Education, research, and practice pp The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology
Botting, Eileen Hunt; Houser, Sarah L There's always been a women's movement

Lengermann, Patricia; Niebrugge, Gillian 2010.

النسوية وتاريخها ماذا قدمت للمرأة
1852: De Bow's Review 'Our attention has happened to fall upon Mrs
النسوية وتاريخها ماذا قدمت للمرأة
, Owens, Lisa Lucile 2003
تاريخ الحركة النسوية بموجاتها الأربع وأبرز الانتقادات الموجهة للحركة النسوية
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
"Three Waves of Feminism: From Suffragettes to Grrls" Laughing with Medusa: classical myth and feminist thought
The American Political Science Review Gender, Generations, and Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond

Durham, : Duke University Press.

الشخصي سياسي: من أين أتى الشعار النسوي؟
New York: Columbia University Press
النَّسوِيَّاتُ خَطرٌ يُهدِّدُ مُجتَمَعَنَا
Ettinger, Bracha, 'The Matrixial Borderspace'
الشخصي سياسي: من أين أتى الشعار النسوي؟
"Early Feminist Themes in French Utopian Socialism: The St