فوائد السبانخ. تعرفي علي أهم فوائد السبانخ

Abdel-Aal el-SM, Akhtar H, Zaheer K, Ali R Generic Escherichia coli Contamination of Spinach at the Preharvest Stage: Effects of Farm Management and Environmental Factors
Prospective study of fruit and vegetable intake and risk of prostate cancer Jovanovski E, Bosco L, Khan K, et al

2007 Aug 1;99 15 :1200-9.

فوائد السبانخ الصحة للإنسان ما هي
2012 Jan 1;52 1 :95-102
فوائد السبانخ الصحية
Jovanovski E, Bosco L, Khan K, Au-Yeung F, Ho H, Zurbau A, Jenkins AL, Vuksan V
فوائد السبانخ (لعلاج فقر الدم وزيادة مناعة الجسم في شهر واحد)
and tomato Solanum lycopersicum addition in physical, chemical, and sensory properties of marshmallow as an alternative prevention of iron deficiency anemia
Effect of vitamin C on collagen structure of cardinal and uterosacral ligaments during pregnancy 2019 Jun 12;25 6 :769-770
Effect of Spinach, a High Dietary Nitrate Source, on Arterial Stiffness and Related Hemodynamic Measures: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in Healthy Adults Naoki Maeda, Hiromi Yoshida, and Yoshiyuki Mizushina 2010 , , Bioactive Foods in Promoting Health, Page 393-405

Catherine Bondonno, Xingbin Yang, Kevin Croft, and others 1-1-2012 , , Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Issue 1, Folder 52, Page 95-102.

ما فوائد السبانخ
Massey LK, Roman-Smith H, Sutton RA
موقع الوكيل الإخباري
Chang CH, Wang YW, Yeh Liu PY, Kao Yang YH
أمد للإعلام
Dietary factors and the development of asthma