ماهو الجير. الفرق بين البلاك والجير على الاسنان

Ehrlich, Henry Lutz; Newman, Dianne K Socransky SS, Haffajee AD 2002
"Dental biofilms: difficult therapeutic targets" Warinner C, Rodrigues JF, Vyas R, Trachsel C, Shved N, Grossmann J, et al

"Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional textures".

ما هو ماء الجير
Thorsten Jansson, Stora Alvaret, Lenanders Tryckeri, , 1999• Jepsen S, Deschner J, Braun A, Schwarz F, Eberhard J February 2011
ما هو ماء الجير , اهم المعلومات عن ماء الجير واستخداماته
Guangxi Karst: The Fenglin and Fengcong Karst of Guilin and Yangshuo, in Geomorphological Landscapes of the World
ما هو الحجر الجيري
Socransky SS, Haffajee AD 2005
Roeser, Patricia; Franz, Sven O Evidence for food, cooking, and medicinal plants entrapped in dental calculus"
Project NEEDN, The Burren Connect Project "Calculus removal and the prevention of its formation"

Dewhirst FE, Chen T, Izard J, Paster BJ, Tanner AC, Yu WH, Lakshmanan A, Wade WG October 2010.

ما هو ماء الجير
"Structure and composition of organic reefs and carbonate mud mounds: concepts and categories"
جير الأسنان الأسود: ما هو؟
"The control of basin evolution on patterns of sedimentation and diagenesis: an example from the Mississippian Great Orme, North Wales"
قير CVT كيف يعمل وماهي مميزاته ؟
"Aragonite and calcite preservation in sediments from Lake Iznik related to bottom lake oxygenation and water column depth"
"Conodont Fauna of the Notch Peak Limestone Cambro-Ordovician , House Range, Utah" Warinner C, Hendy J, Speller C, Cappellini E, Fischer R, Trachsel C, et al
; Litt, Thomas 1 December 2016 "Starch granules, dental calculus and new perspectives on ancient diet"

Journal of the Geological Society.

ما هو الحجر الجيري
Jin Y, Yip HK 2002
كيف يعمل القير الاوتوماتيكي مع الصور و الشرح .........
Tran Duc Thanh; Waltham Tony 1 September 2001
جير الأسنان الأسود: ما هو؟
"Lake-level changes, sedimentation and faunas in a Middle Devonian basin-margin fish bed"