اضرار الانترنت. اضرار الانترنت والحاسوب الصحية

Echo chambers, filter bubbles, and personalized content The Internet has new information added every second, and it would be impossible for anyone to keep up-to-date with the latest news and information It has many advantages, but it is also full of negatives
Never being able to disconnect from work The Internet is great for giving its users the ability to work from anywhere Hidden places also exist on the Internet and the for criminals to conduct business without as much fear of being caught

One of its worst disadvantages is that it steals your life while you think that you are living a complete and happy life, but you are living an imaginary virtual life.

ما هي مخاطر الإنترنت
The Internet may be used to abuse people for personal reasons, for example, by reporting people on social networking pages, and the consequent closure of some of the pages; the reason to be personally different opinions sometimes, As the means available to express his anger in it
سلبيات الانترنت بالانجليزي 11 نموذج مترجم
One of these negatives is addiction, which is the excessive use of anything in life
What are the disadvantages of the Internet?
Pornographic and violent images In our digital age, there's a nearly an infinite amount of content on the Internet
The internet is like smoking and like drugs Anxiety and hyper-thinking in the Internet and what happens in it, feeling sad and depressed to not contact it
While it's easier to find interesting information and news by existing in an online bubble, you're also not introduced to opposing views and new concepts Tip See our page for further information about and help with computer addiction

Internet addiction According to the American Psychiatric Association, the patient suffers from several symptoms: Lack of satiety from using the Internet and spending long hours with it.

سلبيات الانترنت بالانجليزي 11 نموذج مترجم
While there are amazing resources, such as , less desirable content also exists
أبرز فوائد واضرار الانترنت
First, there is no human being who has no connection to the Internet, but this relationship differs from one person to another
الانترنت فوائده واضراره
Also, for some people, buying items on the Internet can become so addictive that it causes serious debt