يا بابا أسناني واوا. يابابا اسناني واوا طيور الجنة

The English word for it is "miswak" which I hadn't heard of until now It includes references to hadeeth on the miswaak, its proper usage and on and on
Haifa Wehbe has a song called Look at the boo boo

this whole siwak thing is NOT in the Qur'an.

اسناني واوا تحميل فيديو انشودة اسناني واوا mp3 طيور الجنة اسناني واوا
It is used in MSA as well
كلمات شيلة يا بابا اسناني واوا
You can't always give the word the definition that you find in the dictionary or in a word list
يابابا اسناني واوا طيور الجنة
One appears to be a MASDAR verbal noun , the other an ACTIVE PARTICIPLE
Also, let me know if you are interested in placing advertising on this blog On this blog I take media that I find interesting and use it to teach Arabic
" although since this is a child speaking a more appropriate translation would be: "I REALLY PROMISE I'LL EAT APPLES" TUFAH apples is the plural of the singular TUFAHA You have to translate the word into your language in a way that makes sense and conveys the right meaning

It comes from the English word "gas" since the drink are carbonated.

كلمات انشودة يا بابا اسناني واوا
اغنية يا بابا اسناني واوا
First to basics: It appears that the use of either SIWAAK or MISWAAK is interchangeable in both MSA and dialect
اغنية يا بابا اسناني واوا
------------------ Yes, what "makkay" says about the above phrase is correct: It means: "I swear I will eat apples