كم سرعة الضوء. كم تبلغ سرعة الضوء؟ ولماذا لا يمكن تجاوزها تحت أي ظرف من الظروف؟ » مجلتك

"Nicole Oresme on the Nature, Reflection, and Speed of Light" Visual Communication: Images With Messages
"Speed of Light from Direct Frequency and Wavelength Measurements of the Methane-Stabilized Laser" "Quantum-Gravity Analysis of Gamma-Ray Bursts using Wavelets"

Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences,.

سرعة الضوء
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
ناسا بالعربي
Panofsky, W; Phillips, M 1962
كيفية قياس سرعة الضوء
Uzan, J-P; Leclercq, B 2008
"Chapter Five — The Scholar of Cairo" Rosa, EB; Dorsey, NE 1907
"Astrophysics: Burst of support for relativity"

the most accurate standard for the metre is conveniently defined so that there are exactly 299,792,458 of them to the distance travelled by light in a standard second, giving a value for the metre that very accurately matches the now inadequately precise standard metre rule in Paris.

كم تبلغ سرعة الظلام وهل هي مساوية لسرعة الضوء
72 3 : 357—374 [367—74]
كم سرعة الضوء
"Review: Hakim Mohammed Said, Ibn al-Haitham"
كم هي سرعة الضوء
"The Ratio of the Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Units"
"Measurement of the Velocity of Light Between Mount Wilson and Mount San Antonio" "Severe limits on variations of the speed of light with frequency"
Essen, L; Gordon-Smith, AC 1948 — Nature 19 November 2009

"The Velocity of Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Derived from the Resonant Frequencies of a Cylindrical Cavity Resonator".

تحويل سرعة الضوء إلى كم/ساعة
Ellis, J; Mavromatos, NE; Nanopoulos, DV; Sakharov, AS 2003
كم تبلغ سرعة توسع الكون ؟ الكون يتوسع اسرع من سرعة الضوء !
"Probing the Speed of Light with Radio Waves at Extremely Low Frequencies"
حساب سرعة الضوء من القرآن
"The Velocity of Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Derived from the Resonant Frequencies of a Cylindrical Cavity Resonator"