Most registrations we offer are available to any nationality | The Dutch ICP document can be obtained in 3 days, so it is ideal if you are Dutch and just bought a boat in another country and need to bring it home to where you live within Europe |
It is valid around the world and is highly recommended | The registration is similar in the UK for both private use as well as for commercial use and the fees are the same |
Do you expect to own the vessel for a long time? No yacht survey if under 24m• For details see The Delaware USA registration is very straight forward as well with minimal paperwork, inexpensive, no survey needed and can be obtained within 2 to 3 days.
29All existing licenses that are currently valid for 5 years will not be effected by this new law until they are due for renewal | Under "Advanced", tap Site Settings• In some cases, we need to put the ownership of your vessel in a new dormant company that you own in order to comply with the rules but this is only an advantage, as this company ownership also offers you liability protection as well as other advantages |
The United Kingdom does require a survey but this survey can be done in your own home country | The world faces threats that can only be solved through cooperation and coordination across borders |
This registration requires a surveyor of the Dutch maritime authority to visit your boat wherever it is located.
16For details see The British Virgin Islands BVI registration entitles you to fly the red ensign flag which is held in high regard within the maritime community | This registration is quickly becoming one of the most sought after flag registrations |
You pay for these travel cost separately However, while you arrange for this survey, we can get you a provisional registration that is fully valid in 1 to 3 weeks | Since its founding, The World Bank Group has evolved to meet new challenges to ending extreme poverty and creating opportunity for all |
The paperwork is straight forward and offers a easy renewal process.