يوم المرحاض العالمي. Nov 19: World Toilet Day

Worldwide every year unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene claim the lives of an estimated 2 2 million children under the age of 5
We use a comprehensive approach focusing on water quality monitoring, management practices, technology and awareness raising actions Join us in spreading the awareness of the lack of sanitation around the world

Today is World Toilet Day! But here is why we have to.

World Toilet Day 2017
Toilets mean safety: Sexual harassment and rape are a risk for many women who have to wait until nightfall to relieve themselves in the open
World Toilet Day
Flood, drought and rising sea levels are threatening sanitation systems — from toilets to septic tanks to treatment plants
Nov 19: World Toilet Day
In addition, poor sanitation is associated with other diseases such as intestinal worms, trachoma and schistosomiasis and contributes to malnutrition in children
Moving forward: opportunities to improve sanitation Governments need to invest in water infrastructure and financing Toilets mean equity and dignity: Women and girls don't need a toilet just for defecation
However, once sanitation services are available more environmental practices are needed to advance on the water agenda In fact, , a child dies as a result of poor sanitation

3 billion people still lack access to basic sanitation:• With safe water and sanitation we can use vaccines to prevent typhoid fever, which affects an estimated at least 11 million persons each year.

CDC Global Health
or —which would you pick? The OECD places great importance on the issue of water and sanitation
World Toilet Day 2017
less time spent having to walk long distances to collect water or to queue at the water source
World Toilet Day
3 billion people do not have access to a clean and safe toilet
When there is no place to go, the result is contaminated land and water and an increased risk of disease Also, even where toilets exist, if waste water is not treated properly, it can contaminate ground and surface water and destroy ecosystems
This sanitation crisis means untreated human waste is spreading diseases into water supplies and the food chain for billions of people Flood, drought and rising sea levels are threatening sanitation systems — from toilets to septic tanks to treatment plants

Nearly 1,000 children die every day from diarrhoeal disease linked to a lack of safe water, sanitation and basic hygiene.

World Toilet Day 2017
This can become a cycle when children live in unsanitary conditions because malnourishment makes children more susceptible to diarrhoea, thus making them more malnourished, and on and on
World Toilet Day
Water-, sanitation-, and hygiene-related diseases, including diarrhea, , and dysentery bloody diarrhea , are some of the primary causes of illness and death in these settings, especially among young children
We must build toilets and sanitation systems that work in harmony with ecosystems