كولمبيا. Outdoor Clothing, Outerwear & Accessories

Within that period, authors such as , , , and developed the movement The Axis of Peace and Memory, a memorial to the victims of the 1964—present After Rojas' deposition, the Colombian Conservative Party and Colombian Liberal Party agreed to create the , a coalition that would jointly govern the country
The Colombian press has promoted the work of the But important decisions were taken from the colony to Spain by the

Independence The was the decisive battle that ensured success of the Since the beginning of the periods of conquest and colonization, there were several rebel movements against Spanish rule, but most were either crushed or remained too weak to change the overall situation.

أين تقع كولومبيا
تُعدّ كولومبيا أرضاً مختلفة للغاية، فهي تجمع بين متناقضات عدة؛ ففي مركزها تغطي الثلوج البراكينَ الموجودة في مرتفعات جبال الأنديز، كما تمتد فيها صحراء في الشمال، بينما في الشرق توجد أراضٍ عشبية شاسعة تسمى لوس يانوس، وهناك غابات كثيفة في كولومبيا تملأ حوض الأمازون، إذ تبلغ مساحته نصف مساحة جنوب البلاد تقريباً
بماذا تشتهر كولومبيا
Despite the progress in certain sectors, many social and political problems continued, and guerrilla groups were formally created such as the , the and the to fight the government and political apparatus
About Columbia
It is also the country with the most endemic species of , is first in species, and has approximately 7,000 species of
In 2018, Colombia signed the UN Colombia has diplomatic missions in all continents
Shortly after the ended, , recently restored to the throne in Spain, unexpectedly decided to retake most of northern South America Colombian photography was marked by the arrival of the

Colombian artists have captured the country's changing political and cultural backdrop using a range of styles and mediums.

Other leading contemporary authors are , and
بينما يحدها من الجهة الغربية المحيط الهادئ
الاقتصاد القوي الاقتصاد الكولومبي هو من الاقتصادات القوية في قارة أمريكا الجنوبية، حيث يعد ثالث أكبر اقتصاد في القارة، وتشتهر كولومبيا بالعديد من الصناعات، ومنها: الصناعات الغذائية والمنسوجات والألبسة، كما تشتهر أيضاً بالمنتجات الزراعية والمعدنية وغيرها