مثلث الحريق. مثلث النار

Class D fire: Combustible metals, such as iron, aluminum, sodium, and magnesium;• Class D fire: Combustible metals, such as iron, aluminum, sodium, and magnesium;• In the European Standard "Classification of fires" EN 2:1992, incorporatiing amendment A1:2004 , the fires are classified as:• Class A fire: Ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, carton, textile, and PVC;• Class B fire: Flammable liquids and solids which can take a liquid form, such as benzene, gasoline, oil;• In the American standard, fires are classified as:• Class B fire: Flammable liquid or gaseous fuels such benzene, gasoline, oil, butane, propane, and natural gas;• Class C fire: Involving energized electrical equipment, often caused by short circuits or overheated electrical cables;• Class A fire: Ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, carton, textile, and PVC;• Class C fire: Flammable gases, such as butane, propane, and natural gas;• Class F fire: Cooking media, such as oils and fats, in cooking appliances; A fire involving energized electrical equipment is not classified by its electrical property


طفاية الحريق
طفاية الحريق
مثلث الاشتعال


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مثلث الاشتعال أو مثلث الحريق
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مثلث الاشتعال أو مثلث الحريق