متطلبات تجديد الهوية الوطنية. Renewal of the National Identity Card

The original national identity with a copy• A service enabling the citizen to renew his or her national identification card, in more than one way, facilitated by the Ministry of Interior
After submitting the renewal request, the citizen can book an appointment at the Civil Affairs Office to receive the card or renew it through the provided self-service devices Log in to the electronic appointment service at the Ministerial Agency of Civil Affairs, and book an appointment


متطلبات تجديد الهوية الوطنية 2021
شروط تجديد بطاقة الاحوال
متطلبات تجديد الهوية الوطنية للنساء


خطوات تجديد بطاقة الهوية الوطنية عبر نظام ابشر
نموذج تجديد الهوية الوطنية
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