التهيئة. التهيئة worksheet for 10

"Memory deficits in Alzheimer's patients: a comprehensive review" Marslen-Wilson, William; Tyler, Lorraine Komisarjevsky; Waksler, Rachelle 1994
"The representation of stimulus familiarity in anterior inferior temporal cortex" Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

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التهيئة worksheet for 10
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
maskedonion.comure(IApplicationBuilder) Method (maskedonion.comg)
"Costs and Benefits of Target Activation and Distractor Inhibition in Selective Attention"
maskedonion.comure(IApplicationBuilder) Method (maskedonion.comg)
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Current Directions in Psychological Science
Foss, Donald April 23, 1982 "Size Invariance in Visual Object Priming"

Reisberg, Daniel: Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind 2007 , page 255, 517.

أهمية التهيئة النفسـية في مطلع العام الدراسـي!‏
"Effects of picture repetition on induced gamma band responses, evoked potentials, and phase synchrony in the human EEG"
تهيئة التلاميذ
"Morphology and Meaning in the English Mental Lexicon"
مفهوم التهيئة
; Chen, Mark; Burrows, Laura 1996