Binary transparency without any workarounds! If you like TinyPNG please contribute by making a | Have your cake and eat it too! Can anyone tell the difference? Only Microsoft Edge does not support the format yet |
Imageresizer is very easy to use but has a lot of features | Compressing images with the website is free for everyone and we like to keep it that way! com This online image optimizer uses a smart combination of the best optimization and lossy compression algorithms to shrink jpeg and png images to the minimum possible size while keeping the required level of quality |
It will use less bandwidth and load faster.
16Optimize your images with our online tool | Still need to support Internet Explorer 6? When you upload a PNG Portable Network Graphics file, similar colors in your image are combined |
Only Photoshop CC 2015, 2017 and 2018 can save images as indexed PNG files with alpha transparency | com You can use save for web to export your images as 24 bit transparent png files and upload them to tinypng |
All unnecessary metadata is stripped too.