Institute for Middle East Understanding | Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions |
The TPs are also facing a financial crisis that has led the government, with the help of the international community, to a major work of reforms and consolidation of the public accounts | Brown, A New Introduction to Islam, Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd |
A few days later, Mahmoud Abbas decides to dissolve the government of national unity for the establishment of an emergency government, supported by the international community but not recognized by Hamas, including Salam Fayyad, a supporter of the Third Way, take the lead.
17In 2011, the international financial bodies acknowledged that the PA had crossed the threshold to become a functional state | , A History of Palestine, 634—1099, Cambridge University Press, 1997 p |
A History of the Crusades:The First Crusade and the Foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem | Hai, Yigal January 15, 2008 |
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics May 2010; p.
29The PA still fails to gain sovereign legitimacy from the Palestinians despite that found with the international community in 1993 | |
Despite the Cairo agreements of the same year between Fatah and Hamas, which provided for the creation of a new national unity government, the PA remains in a split state and any reconciliation remains stalled for the time being | The population is facing severe poverty and especially food insecurity, which affects two out of every three Palestinians in Gaza, with a ratio of one in four in the West Bank |
This coup marks the political split of the TP with Fatah administering the West Bank and Hamas Gaza.