محمود عباس. تفاصيل لقاء محمود عباس بأردوغان في إسطنبول

The of Abu Mazen means "father of Mazen Abbas said in October 2011 that he made a counteroffer to let Israel annex 1
They include monopolies on American made cigarettes sold in the territories; USAid funding; public works projects, such as road and school construction, on behalf of the Palestinian Authority and special preferences for retail enterprises Rasgon, Adam 1 May 2018

Encyclopedia of World Biography: Supplement 27 Thomson-Gale, 2007 pp.

Mahmoud Abbas
As a result, Fatah's main rival, , initially announced that it would not recognize the extension or view Abbas as the rightful president
محمود عباس: تعرضت للتهديد وحملت نصف جسد شقيقي بعد إصابته بالقصف
Abbas told the newspaper that "the use of arms has been damaging and should end
محمود عباس: تعرضت للتهديد وحملت نصف جسد شقيقي بعد إصابته بالقصف
The Continuum Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East
In 2012, Abbas told , a Beirut television station affiliated with Iran and Hezbollah, that he "challenges anyone who can deny that the Zionist movement had ties with the Nazis before World War II" As of December 2015, he was still acting as , pending approval by the
He published a memoir, Through Secret Channels: The Road to Oslo 1995 He also called for Palestinian groups to end the use of arms against Israelis

The appointment of Fayyad to replace Haniyeh has been challenged as illegal, because under the Palestinian Basic Law, the president may dismiss a sitting prime minister, but may not appoint a replacement without the approval of the.

Rosenberg, Yair 27 April 2014
حقيقة وأصل رئيس سلطة فلسطين ... المدعو محمود عباس
محمود عباس يتجه إلى ألمانيا في زيارة تستغرق 3 أيام
] because we took up arms, we were in a position to put them down with credibility