Simply, there are more than one type of predicate for a nominal sentence | Now, is this judgement true? Here are examples for each:• Yes, It happened here in this example that the predicate is the whole Verbal sentence |
!! Rather, it is just a part of the predicate | Salam Zoubir, Your point is clear, brother and what you have learnt is absolutely correct |
because — if we take your example — we would ask: Who is crying in sadness? Now what are the types of the Predicate Khabar? Simply, the predicate is the whole sentence that follows.
13This Khabar often comes after the subject | This is one of the Predicate cases |
However, all Arabic grammar books say that the singular predicate must agree with the Mubtada | The verb in the nominal sentence is not the whole predicate |
This predicate starting with a verb is called a Verbal Sentence Khabar predicate.