Game can generate unlimited number of alphabet letters and say their spelling | Child can mute or unmute background sound |
ABC hunter game is educational application to teach children English Alphabet |
a-e-i-o-u Sing short vowel sound now a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u I know their short sounds too, oh.
5Children can be motivated when every new added five points on total score | The vowels of the alphabet I know them all by name, oh! The vowels of the alphabet I know them all by name, oh! [clap]-[clap]-i-o-u [clap]-[clap]-i-o-u [clap]-[clap]-i-o-u I know them all by name, oh! The vowels of the alphabet I know them all by name, oh! The vowels of the alphabet I know them all by name, oh! Score can show how many correct letters were selected |