إليزابيث الثانية. موقع أردني

Thomson, Mike 15 January 2007 "Philip, the one constant through her life"
"Queen and New Zealand: Royal visits" "Royal plans to beat nationalism"

"Biography of HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: Activities as Queen".

موقع أردني
Davies, Caroline 20 April 2006
10 حقائق مثيرة عن الملكة إليزابيث الثانية
"50 facts about The Queen's Coronation"
مجلة هي
" The Sociological Review 1
Television coverage of the coronation was instrumental in boosting the medium's popularity; the number of television licences in the United Kingdom doubled to 3 million,[65] and many of the more than 20 million British viewers watched television for the first time in the homes of their friends or neighbours Speaight, Robert 1970 , Vanier, Soldier, Diplomat, Governor General: A Biography, London: William Collins, Sons and Co
Lord Altrincham in National Review quoted by Brandreth, p "By appointment: Norman Hartnell's sample for the Coronation dress of Queen Elizabeth II"

"Ceremonial in the House of Lords".

الملكة إليزابيث الثانية والأمير فيليب.. قصة حب كسرت تقاليد العائلة الملكية وتخطت العديد من المشاكل
See Queen's Official Birthday for an explanation of why Elizabeth II's official birthdays are not on the same day as her actual one• Her Majesty served in the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service during the conflict
وكالة عربي اليوم الإخبارية
Edwards, Phil 31 October 2000
6 ممارسات في حياتنا لم تفعلها الملكة إليزابيث الثانية قط!
Letters Patent, 22 October 1948; Hoey, pp