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Wiseman, Nigel and Ye, Feng 1998 New York, NY: Kaplan Pub
Cantarini L, Lopalco G; et al

"Discovery of the cardiovascular system: from Galen to William Harvey".

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Crigg, Gordon; Johansen, Kjell 1987
مسجات حب قوي حيل
"Electrical Conduction Between the Right Atrium and the Left Atrium via the Musculature of the Coronary Sinus"
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"Why Does the Heart Beat? Taber, Clarence Wilbur; Venes, Donald 2009
"Recollections of the Early Years of Heart Transplantation and the Total Artificial Heart" Sellmer, Sven 2004 , "The Heart in the? ; Loscalzo, Joseph August 11, 2011
"On Being the Right Size: Heart Design, Mitochondrial Efficiency and Lifespan Potential" fman, Carl; Nilsson, Stefan; Crigg, Gordon 1996

University of Sydney Online Museum.

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Indonesia Magazine, 25 1994 , p
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Xigui, Qiu; Mattos, Gilbert L 2000
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"Electroanatomic Analysis of Sinus Impulse Propagation in Normal Human Atria"
Ladd, Prosser C 18 March 1991 The word was also transcribed by as Ab
Journal of Comparative Physiology B The Company of Biologists Limited

Longo, Dan; Fauci, Anthony; Kasper, Dennis; Hauser, Stephen; Jameson, J.

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2013 My Mexico: A Culinary Odyssey with Recipes , University of Texas Press
Sandstrom, Alan 1991 Corn is Our Blood
Nadas' Pediatric Cardiology 2nd Edition