We also check back to ensure that you got what you wanted and needed from us | Free Transportation to and from work, or monthly housing and transportation allowances |
It has been a very satisfying career move for me and I would urge any nurse out there to do the same | Your package with us includes a lot more than just your pay |
Recreation trips schedule every month• Airline ticket at the beginning of the contract and employee repatriation.
13This could be the death of a immediate family | Working with us, you will gain insight into every aspect of our work, be expected to show lots of initiative and take on responsibilities at an early stage |
Emergency leave provided when you unexpectedly need to take time off from your work due to an emergency or special personal circumstances | We believe in appointing the best person for each position while ensuring that recruitment and selection is conducted in a way that is transparent, consistent and effective |
40 days paid vacation per year.
24Hiring allowance Based on the position | The support from my colleagues and new found friends made it easier than I expected |
We are a professional, committed, knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, loyal, reliable, supportive and creative staff team |
We have here in SFHP a lot of activities in the field of medical, paramedical, administration certified by whom to be concerned.