مواضيع للبحث العلمي. مواضيع للبحث العلمي

Oleksandra BORZENKO 2019 27 EFL Teachers' Perspectives on the Role of English in Two Mexican Private Universities Elizabeth Bell Canon 2019 11 Learning English Through Workplace Communication: Linguistic devices for interpersonal meaning in textbooks in Hong Kong
Kaislaniemi, Samuli 2017 40 The Use of Sentence Structure and Pragmatic Cues in Novel Verb Learning: A Cross-Linguistic Study of Mandarin Chinese and English Mianda van Zyl 2019 9 English foreign language teachers' linguistic knowledge, beliefs, and reported practices regarding reading and spelling instruction

Examining English teachers' language ideologies.

عناوين رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه في علم اللغويات الإنجليزية
International journal of English Linguistics 2014 74 A Study of Iraqi EFL College Students' Self- Efficacy Based on Reading Skill Strategies
مواضيع مقترحة للبحث العلمي
International journal of English Linguistics 2014 73 Political and Social Impact on the Linguistic Behavior of Iraqis: Gender-Based Study on Lexical Innovation
عناوين بحوث علمية مقترحة
2017 39 The Linguistic World of the Early English East India Company: A Study of the English Factory in Japan, 1613—1623
Lahiri, Biswanath 2018 32 Cross-Linguistic Semantic Transfer in Bilingual Chinese-English Speakers 2018 35 English Language Schooling, Linguistic Realities, and the Native Speaker of English in Hong Kong
Mike Metz, 2019 18 Prediction of English and Spanish kindergarten mathematics from English and Spanish cognitive and linguistic abilities in Hispanic dual language learners Multilingua 2018 36 Selected Research in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching in Turkey: 2010-2016

Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi 2019 15 English in the linguistic landscape of a northern Jordanian city: Visual monolingual and multilingual practices enacted on shopfronts.

مواقع للبحث العلمي ١٠٠ موقع للبحث في المجالات المختلفة
Abdulmajeed, Rufaidah Kamal; Hameed, Sarab Khalil 2017 44 Authorial Identity and Linguistic Features of Native English and Thai Writers in Research Articles
مواضيع مقترحة للبحث العلمي
Sah, Pramod Kumar; Li, Guofang 2018 38 Teaching Stigmatized Englishes: Counteracting Linguistic Prejudice Using a Critical Pedagogical Approach to the Introductory Linguistics Course
مواضيع للبحث العلمي
Costanza Cucchi 2019 6 Letter Coding Affects Movement Production in Word Writing: An English-Italian Cross-Linguistic Study
Tytus, Agnieszka Ewa; Rundblad, Gabriella 2018 33 Second Language Users' Restriction of Linguistic Generalization Errors: The Case of English Un- Prefixation Development Colette Despagne 2019 28 Can digitisation help overcome linguistic and strategic disadvantages in international media markets? Hang Su 2019 22 Corpus Linguistics for English Teachers: New Tools, Online Resources, and Classroom Activities
Salameh Alomoush 2019 16 Analogy in word-formation: A study of English neologisms and occasionalisms Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 309 Liu, Yi-Syuan 2017 41 Taiwan-Educated Teachers of English: Their Linguistic Capital, Agency, and Perspectives on Their Identities as Legitimate English Teachers

Lisa Vernon Sparks 2019 26 Educational Games with an Interactive Whiteboard at Professional English Lessons.

عناوين بحوث علمية مقترحة
Zhang, Xiaopeng 2018 34 Cross-Linguistic Cognate Production in Spanish-English Bilingual Children with and Without Specific Language Impairment
عناوين بحوث علمية مقترحة
Exploring cross-border business opportunities for German-language media companies
عناوين رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه في علم اللغويات الإنجليزية
Vaisman EE 2019 10 Linguistic ideology and the pre-modern English Bible: A look at arguments for and against an English translation through the lens of historical sociolinguistics