الميتو كندريا. ميتوكندريون

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America "The mitochondrial DNA genetic bottleneck results from replication of a subpopulation of genomes"
The mtDNA holds the instructions for and other cellular support equipment across "Cytoskeleton and mitochondrial morphology and function"

Also, mitochondria lack the same protective mechanisms found in the nucleus of the cell.

الفرق بين الميتوكوندريا والبلاستيدات الخضراء
British Society for Cell Biology
ما هي الميتوكوندريا
The vast majority are involved in other jobs that are specific to the cell type where they are found
Mitochondria: Form, function, and disease
"Mitochondrial DNA: a tool for populational genetics studies"
The theory is that reactive oxygen species ROS are produced in mitochondria, as a byproduct of energy production Containing hundreds of enzymes, it is important in the production of ATP
During a process called , mitochondria can generate heat Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

For instance, mtDNA analyses have concluded that humans may have originated in Africa relatively recently, around 200,000 years ago, descended from a common ancestor, known as.

حواء ليست مسؤولة وحدها عن انتقال «الميتوكوندريا» إلى الأبناء
"High levels of mitochondrial DNA deletions in substantia nigra neurons in aging and Parkinson disease"
Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall
ما هي وظيفة الميتوكوندريا؟
Inner membrane: This membrane holds proteins that have several roles