الدكتور محمد الشمري. ريجيم الدكتور محمد الشمري

The South West Regional Meeting of the Organic Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry, School of Chemistry Cardiff University , Cardiff, United Kingdom, 11 January 2013 Use of Organometallic Intermediates in Organic Synthesis Reactions• Pete Beach, FL, on January 11—16, 2015• The Cardiff Spring Conference Cardiff University , 16th-17th May 2011
International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering University of Barcelona , Barcelona, Spain, 29-31 July 2014• Preparation of some Bidentate Ligands and their Use as Catalysts in Asymmetric Induction• The Cardiff Spring Conference Cardiff University , 5th-6th May 2010 The 44th National Organic Chemistry Symposium, sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Maryland, at College Park, Maryland, USA, June 28 to July 2, 2015

RSC Roadshow conference Cardiff University ,7 July 2012.

موقع جراح الأشعة د محمد الشمري
First Day of Information Technology in SAU, Alkharij, KSA 2013
ريجيم معتمد من الدكتور محمد رشيد الشمري
The 44th National Organic Chemistry Symposium, sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Maryland, at College Park, Maryland, USA, June 28 to July 2, 2015
الدكتور عويد الشمري .. الشخصية المؤثرة لعام ٢٠١٩
The 22nd Biennial Winter Fluorine Conference, sponsored by the ACS Division of Fluorine Chemistry, will be held at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort, in St
Institutional preparing For External Review Visits by Dr Wayne Reitz Union, University of Florida GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA, USA, March 2nd - 5th, 2014
FLOHET-2014 Annual Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic IUPAC-Sponsored Conference, Organized by ARKAT USA, Inc Wibby conference for web technology and social networking in Cardiff 2011

RSC Roadshow conference Cardiff University , Cardiff, United Kingdom, 7 July 2012.

د.محمد بطاح الشمري
د.محمد بطاح الشمري
Cardiff Spring Conference Cardiff University , Cardiff, United Kingdom, 14-15 May 2012
دليل محمد الشمري
The Rideal Conference Cardiff University , 19th-21th April 2011
The Cardiff Spring Conference Cardiff University , 14th-15th May 2012 The 6th Saudi Scientific International Conference Brunel University , London, United Kingdom, 11-14 Oct
Preparing program of new faculty staffs in SAU, Alkharij, KSA 2013 The 6th Saudi Scientific International Conference, 11th-14th Oct 2012

International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering University of Barcelona , Barcelona, Spain, 29-31 July 2014.

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ريجيم الدكتور محمد الشمري
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