حدود تركيا. ما هي حدود تركيا

, Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures—Continental Europe and its Colonies, Edinburgh University Press, 2008• Economics and Politics of Turkish Liberalization Turkish State Meteorological Service 2006
Jenkins, Romilly James Heald 1967 The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West

New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

طبول حرب عند حدود تركيا.. تعلن النفير
Turkish Directorate General of Press and Information 2001-10-17
تركيا .. حدود الأوهام
Norwich 1996 Byzantium: the Decline and Fall, Penguin, London p
الجيش البريطاني يتمركز قرب حدود تركيا!
Not Even My Name: A True Story - Page 131 by Thea Halo• The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire
Eisenstadt, "The Kemalist Regime and Modernization: Some Comparative and Analytical Remarks," in J in , the dates of Islamic feasts shift each year with respect to• The origins of the Ottoman Empire
The Crusades and the military orders: expanding the frontiers of latin christianity; Zsolt Hunyadi page 226• Cunningham, Erin; Sly, Liz; Karatas, Zeynep 16 July 2016 Tatz, Colin; Higgins, Winton 2016

The Plight of Religious Minorities: Can Religious Pluralism Survive? Mullen, Jethro; Cullinane, Susannah 4 June 2013.

عاجل: وباء الفطر الأسود يصل إلى حدود تركيا
"Search for the Indo-Europeans: Were Kurgan horsemen or Anatolian farmers responsible for creating and spreading the world's most far-flung language family? Turkish Secretariat of European Union Affairs
ما هي حدود تركيا
Ackerman, Elliot 16 July 2016
طبول حرب عند حدود تركيا.. تعلن النفير
- Page 51 by United States Congress• "Late Ottoman genocides: the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and Young Turkish population and extermination policies — introduction"
Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs Turkish Directorate General of Press and Information 2003
"Multinationals, Ideology, and Organized Labor" Cambridge history of Islam by Peter Malcolm Holt,Ann K

1, Early Medieval India and the Expansion of Islam, 7th—11th Centuries.

ما هي حدود تركيا
New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
الجيش البريطاني يتمركز قرب حدود تركيا!
: Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies
كيفية الدخول إلى تركيا عبر الحدود البرية التركية؟
Al Hind: The Making of the Indo Islamic World, Vol