المراعي سهم. السعر والرسم البياني ل‎2280‎

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com Laouisset Djamel Eddine, dlaouisset gmail
أثر الرفع المالي على ربحية السهم : دراسة حالة شركة المراعي (السعودية) خلال الفترة (2005
The Study results show an inverse relationship between the debt to equity ratio and Almarai's earnings per share in the long term, Although this relationship is positive in the short term
سعر سهم المراعي
The study aimed to investigate the effect of financial leverage measured by the long-term debt to total debt ratio And the debt to equity ratio On the earnings per share of Saudi Almarai Company during the period from 2005 to 2019, Where the Autoregressive-Distributed Lag model used
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com BENABDALLAH MOUNIA, MOUNIA561979 YAHOO com Esslimani Bouchra, besslimani gmail

fr Guendouz Abdelkrim , a.

شركة المراعي
com benabed mokhtar, benabedmok yahoo
أثر الرفع المالي على ربحية السهم : دراسة حالة شركة المراعي (السعودية) خلال الفترة (2005
com fateh saci, sacifateh yahoo
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ca Kamel Mellahi, Mellahi hotmail