حسب عمري. قائمة البلدان حسب العمر المتوقع

has the latest internationally comparable statistics on life expectancy from 195 countries 7 126 74 71 77
Official government estimate based on the 2004 Census shows a value of 74 15 29 45 78 75

73 deaths per 1,000 births, the ninth-lowest in the world.

حساب العمر بالهجري او بالميلادي
3 2005 growing at 0
احسب عمرك
87 74 101 73 71
حساب العمر : أحسب عمرك الأن بدقة لا مثيل لها
We recommend also that States, in cooperation with the relevant international agencies, conduct censuses and collect, compile, analyse and publicize statistics and data disaggregated by race and ethnicity, taking into account socio-economic indicators such as health, infant and maternal mortality, life expectancy, literacy rate, education, employment, housing, land ownership, water, sanitation, energy and communications services, poverty and average disposable income
6 82 26 38 78 9 for females and 80 for men, which is the third highest in the world, and an infant mortality rate of 2
5 215 53 53 53 Official government estimate based on the 2004 Census shows a value of 74

39 83 6 9 80.

العمر المتوقع المعدل حسب الصحة in English
3 79 93 76 73 79
احسب عمرك
4 79 77 74 80
العمر المتوقع المعدل حسب الصحة in English
2 79 94 76 73
15 29 45 78 75 8 31 81 78 84
— Rank Order - Life expectancy at birth 9 January 2018 [Date mismatch] at the 03 171 201 49 46

03 171 201 49 46.

العمر المتوقع المعدل حسب الصحة in English
احسب عمرك
3 2005 growing at 0
حساب العمر بالهجري او بالميلادي
05 44 178 208 43