بطاطس سيب. Potato

However, lack of genetic diversity, due to the very limited number of varieties initially introduced, left the crop vulnerable to disease Potatoes are boiled between 10 and 25 minutes, depending on size and type, to become soft
"On the Digestibility of Raw Potato Starch in Man" The History and Social Influence of the Potato, Cambridge University Press originally published in 1949; reprinted 1985 with new introduction and corrections by J

John Roach 10 June 2002.

Sip and Bite Diner
Even cold weather makes potatoes more susceptible to bruising and possibly later rotting, which can quickly ruin a large stored crop
دروس تعلم اللغة الفارسية (الدرس الحادي عشر)
Tuber bulking occurs during the fourth phase, when the plant begins investing the majority of its resources in its newly formed tubers
yahakam: تنويعات بطاطسية
Rosenthal, Elisabeth 24 July 2007
38 others as brief "archive" chapters• In , the potato, as well as being a staple with most dishes, is featured in the hearty locro de papas, a thick soup of potato, squash, and cheese There is one pentaploid cultivated species with 60 chromosomes : S
The yield of potatoes—about 95 gigajoules per hectare 9 Another GM potato variety developed by BASF is 'Fortuna' which was made resistant to by adding two resistance genes, blb1 and blb2, which originate from the Mexican wild potato Solanum bulbocastanum

In the winter, roadside sellers in northern China will also sell roasted potatoes.

دروس تعلم اللغة الفارسية (الدرس الحادي عشر)
"Analysis of acrylamide, a carcinogen formed in heated foodstuffs"
Sip and Bite Diner
literally farmer's breakfast is a warm German dish made from fried potatoes, , ham and vegetables
دروس تعلم اللغة الفارسية (الدرس الحادي عشر)
Potatoes that are good for making or potato crisps are sometimes called "chipping potatoes", which means they meet the basic requirements of similar varietal characteristics, being firm, fairly clean, and fairly well-shaped