Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Coronavirus disease 2019 COVID-19 : Symptoms of coronavirus |
High prevalence of concurrent gastrointestinal manifestations in patients with SARS-CoV-2: Early experience from California | Loss of smell and taste in 2013 European patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 |
American Academy of Dermatology Association.
27Sore eyes as the most significant ocular symptom experienced by people with COVID-19; A comparison between pre COVID-19 and during COVID-19 states | |
Delirium in older patients with COVID-19 presenting to the emergency department | The Journal of Laryngology and Otology |
Neurologic manifestations of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan, China.
17COVID toes, rashes: How the coronavirus can affect your skin | Real-time tracking of self-reported symptoms to predict potential COVID-19 |