هيئة التقويم. تقويم ميلادي

"The calendar in use today in most of the world is the Gregorian or new-style calendar designed by a commission assembled by Pope Gregory XIII in the sixteenth century The Ministry of Culture can also reject my application if it is repeated or contains invalid information
I acknowledge that all information provided must be valid, and I am responsible for its validity We look for individuals who possess the abilities and qualifications required by the job

The Ministry of Culture has the right to use it in the evaluation of my application.

تقويم ميلادي
Dear Job Seeker, We greatly appreciate your interest
التقويم الجامعي للعام الدراسي 1442 هـ


التقويم الجامعي للعام الدراسي 1442 هـ
Kuwait University On
التقويم الجامعي للعام الدراسي 1442 هـ