الاحمدي وش يرجع. الرحيلي وش يرجع

We have no doubt that, as reported, story is true Philip Shukry Khoury, Joseph Kostiner 1990
British have same report from separate, equally good source If true or believed, this could have been precipitating cause or even chief motive in murder of president

Hamdi regularly lost his temper with Saudis and Abdallah.

الاحمدي وش يرجع اصل عائلة الاحمدي
Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East
وش يرجع الأحمرى ـ قبيلة الأحمرى
Whether Hamdi gave up effort of negotiations with Abdallah bin Husayn completely or only temporarily in wake of angry resignation by his close colleague and contact with left, Ahmad Dahmash, is matter of conjecture
اصل عائلة الحمدي وش يرجع
Yemen's Democracy Experiment in Regional Perspective According to Sudanese, however, Hamdi had given up completely this time


الحميداني وش يرجع .. أصل قبيلة الحميداني
إبراهيم محمد الحمدي
الرحيلي وش يرجع


وش يرجع الأحمرى ـ قبيلة الأحمرى
من هي حنان بنت عبدالرحيم الاحمدي
الاحمدي وش يرجع اصل عائلة الاحمدي