Zara home israel. The Modern Descendants of Zara

Keyser When Jacob Israel gave his dying blessing to his twelve sons, he associated each of them with some animal, object or personal characteristic which afterwards became the emblem of the tribe descended from him Some of the survivors fled northward into Europe where their emblem, the Rampant Red Lion, appears in the Arms of some of the nations, provinces and old families in the lands near or bordering the North Sea
In the official Arms of Northern Ireland we indeed see that it holds an important place therein Since they were descendants of Judah their emblem was a lion


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Now it is true, of course, that since the division of Ireland in 1920 the official Arms of Northern Ireland show the Red Hand alone without the Scarlet Cord, but this in no way alters the fact that the ancient and traditional emblem of Ulster was -- and still is -- a Red Hand circled by a Scarlet Cord
The Modern Descendants of Zara
In view of the origin of the Red Hand emblem recorded in Genesis 38, and in the fact that a Red Hand thereby became one of the emblems of the descendants of Zara-Judah, we have to conclude that the people who brought the Red Hand to Ulster so long ago, and the Scots who later brought it to Scotland -- though coming at different times -- had a COMMON ORIGIN in the Zara branch of the Israelitish Tribe of Judah
The Modern Descendants of Zara
Calcol and his group fled to Greece and founded the city of Athens
Another group, led by Darda or Dardanus, ended up in the Troad and became the ancestors of the Trojans Zara is a diverse company and we will never tolerate any form of discrimination
This lion, in a couchant lying down position, became the emblem of the tribe of Judah; then, in a passant position, it became the emblem of the Camp or Brigade of Judah They arrived in Britain around the year 1100 B

The births of a great many other people are recorded in the Bible, but in this one case ONLY are the details given -- why? Notice what these verses say: Now it came to pass, at the time for giving birth, that behold, twins were in her womb.

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I emailed Zara to demand that disciplinary action be taken and this was their dismal response
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There, under the rule of Darda Dardanus they established a Kingdom, later called Troy, on the southern shore of that narrow body of water which bears his name to this day -- Dardanelles
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Others fled westward across the Mediterranean to Spain and on to the British Isles where, with some members of other Israelite tribes, they were the first settlers in much of what is now called Scotland