כנפיים הצהרת בריאות. כנפיים חריפות

A prospective study of resilience and emotions following the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001 Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease COVID-19 epidemic among the general population in China
A further extension of the extended parallel processing model E-EPPM : Implications of cognitive appraisal theory of emotions and dispositional coping style

Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 84 2 , 356-376.

Psychiatric Findings in Suspected and Confirmed Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Patients Quarantined in Hospital: A Retrospective Chart Analysis
כנפיים של קרמבו (ארגון)
The impact of communications about swine flu influenza A H1N1v on public responses to the outbreak: results from 36 national telephone surveys in the UK
כנפיים של קרמבו (ארגון)
, 2020; Wang et al
International journal of environmental research and public health, 17 5 , 1729 What good are positive emotions in crises? The power of bad: how the negativity effect rules us and how we can rule it
PloS One, 15 4 , e0231924 Psychiatry investigation, 15 4 , 355-360

Health Technology Assessment, 14 34 , 183- 266.

אישור משרד החינוך לסביבת כנפיים
Mental health problems and social media exposure during COVID-19 outbreak
כנפיים חריפות