كلام عن الاب والام. كلام جميل عن الاب والام بالصور

dad remembering you is easy i do it every day missing that never goes away My love for you is like a freeway during peak hour
It is plagued by the traffic of my teeny tantrums and stoplights of my moody outburst No matter how old my daddy becomes, he will always be the first man who held me up in his arms and cuddled me as if I was the queen of the world

I have never dreamed of that because I have always been treated like a princess by you.

عبارات جميلة عن الأم والأب
He is my dad who I love to bits
كلام جميل عن الأم والأب
death can not stop love
عبارات عن الاب بالانجليزي
dear daddy i may find a prince someday but you will always be my king
I just pick up the phone and call my dad How do I describe my daddy? My friends binge on ice cream and chocolate when they feel down and out
Daddy your hugs are the shelter that protects me from all the storms life could possibly push me into But the best and the most amazing of them all is you, daddy

Starting today, I want to do everything that I possibly can to let you know that I love you more than anything else in this world.

كلام عن الأب و الأم for Android
Every time I whine for not having something I want, I see your picture to realize that I actually have everything I could ever ask for
أجمل عبارات عن اليوم العالمي للاب 2021 كلمات عن عيد الأب
Yet, you never did anything without thinking of its impact of me
كلام عن الأم والأب وعبارات جميلة ومؤثرة جداً
Sometimes I ignore you, sometimes I get annoyed at you