أي مكان. How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: The Secrets of Good Communication by Larry King

Here is a way to overcome these communication challenges If you feel you're not good at it, you can be
However, as a millennial and a non-American, I am not familiar with his guests when he gives examples so It is hard for me to have better understanding This book is very knowledgeable, I would recommend this to someone like me, who has a fear of talking, or even worse

If you're at a party in someone's home, or an office, there are likely to be furnishings or mementos that your hosts will cheerfully talk about.

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It is a great overview of everything you want to know about various communication scenarios
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Larry King takes his experience in radio and tv presentation, derives lessons that he himself learnt from them and presents them to the reader
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Many of his recollections and anecdotes hearken back to decades prior to the 90's
Hit 'em where they live: "Make sure you remember who your audience is, what its interests are, and what it wants to hear from you Talk is mankind's greatest invention, it's how we make connections among us, and one of the pleasures that life has to offer
You sell yourself and your education and your experience every day in your work, whether you are a salesperson or something You don't need to stare continuously in the other person's eyes

Didn't do what it said on the tin.

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Today, the key word in being successful in your social conversation is RELEVENCE
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I have both the abridged audio book and the hardback
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Good follow-up questions are the mark of a good conversationalist
Larry just tells us what a great guy he is, and how cool he is because he talked to all those important people, and all that in a fairly unstructured way Think of every conversation as an opportunity
Larrry King is a classic spokes-person and I chose his book, "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: The Secrets of Good Communication" to enhance my social skills and have it benefit me at all times " and "Everyone has an opinion about the Menendez trial verdict

King's book is a fairly fun read, but provides mostly common sense information.

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But, if you are interested in listening to others, you can broaden your horizons without going anywhere
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Openness, enthusiasm, and a willingness to listen will make you a popular conversationalist in any medium
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When you talk, make them comfortable, make eye contact, use wisdom, be rich in information, and relevance