شكرا جزيلا بالانجليزي. عبارات شكر للمعلمة بالانجليزي مترجمة بالعربي

Your students will always keep you in their hearts! who is the world to be sad for Your charisma gives me the strength to persevere
Before saying anything, I would like to apologize, for all of the times I should have paid more attention, for the times I had an bad attitude, and for not appreciating the hard work and effort that you put into teaching me the lessons I needed to learn

For all of this, thanks to my wonderful teacher! Really, I will not forget this favor, thank you.

شكرا بالانجليزي , شكرا جزيلا
Thank you for being such an amazing teacher! I challenge anybody in the whole world to find a better teacher than you
عبارات شكر للمعلمة بالانجليزي جديدة مترجمة بالعربي
Before meeting you, I never thought that a person could be a teacher, support, mentor and philosopher all in one! You deserve all the words of thanks, thank you very much
عبارات شكر على الهديه بالانجليزي
I will not forget what you did for me, thank you very much
Thank you for everything you have given me Thank you for being such an amazing person and a true inspiration! You deserve everything good, thank you for helping me
How can I return this favor, thank you Thank you for providing us with such a great working environment

I know your job is stressful and the hours are long, but you are always kind and understanding.

عبارات شكر بالانجليزي
All the words of thanks can not describe my feelings
عبارات شكر على الهديه بالانجليزي
But I know that I can now go into the real world and be confident about who I am and what I can achieve
عبارات شكر وتقدير بالانجليزي
I am grateful to have been taught by such an admirable person
You have made my day that much brighter just being you ,You are truly a respectable person, and I consider you my role model
You have made a great effort for my sake, thank your Thank you for all your hard work and dedication! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for giving me this opportunity

You have all my respect and appreciation, thank you.

شكراً بالانجليزي وعبارات شكر متنوعة 2021 .. Thank you
I am grateful for the positive learning environment you provided me with
عبارات شكر للمعلمة بالانجليزي مترجمة بالعربي
Yet, a special few will leave a lasting impression
عبارات شكر للمعلمة بالانجليزي جديدة مترجمة بالعربي
Thank you for everything you have done for us! Thank you for the opportunities you provided, and for having faith in me