اطلانتس. أطلانتس الدولية

When they stopped being good people and did bad things, the gods sent earthquakes and fire to destroy Atlantis The name Atlantis first appears in the writings of Herodotus - he describes the western ocean as "Sea of Atlantis
Jakovljevic, Ranko 2008 Atlantida u Srbiji IK Pesic i sinovi Belgrade Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions and Other Popular Theories about Man's Past

'The Rise and Fall of Atlantis: and the mysterious origins of human civilization', Watkins Publishing, London.

مدينة اطلانتس المفقودة
The Atlantis Syndrome, Stroud: Sutton Publishing
كيف غرقت الأطلانتس
Jakovljevic, Ranko 2005 Gvozdena vrata Atlantide, IK Beoknjiga Belgrade
اسطورة اتلانتس
'Crantor and Posidonius on Atlantis', The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Vol
After the , some people in Europe thought they might be Atlantis 'Atlantis und Troia, Platon und Homer: Bemerkungen zum Wahrheitsanspruch des Atlantis-Mythos', Studia Troica, vol
He used this story to help explain his ideas about and Castleden, Rodney 2001 Atlantis Destroyed', London:Routledge• Plato, , translated by Benjamin Jowett at ; with commentary

'Atlantes und Atlantioi: Von Platon zu Dionysios Skytobrachion', Philologus, vol.

According to Plato, Atlantis was very large, as big as North Africa, so it should not have been hard to find
أطلانتس.. وما حقيقة أشهر الحضارات المفقودة؟
Zac Farber May 30, 2018
اسطورة اتلانتس
's map of Atlantis, here seen in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean