سحر طبر. إيران.. شبيهة أنجلينا جولي تحاكم بتهمة الإفساد في الأرض

Hosseini, Mir Masood 10 October 2019 Some of the photos and videos shared with her followers appeared to have been heavily edited to resemble Hollywood star , but Tabar denied this intention
Tabar admitted that she had not completed high school, and the broadcast claimed that her efforts to gain online fame had prevented her from advancing to

A turned-up nose — or just wearing a nose bandage — is widely seen as fashionable, both among men and women, and among progressives and conservatives.

Three days later, three more female Instagram influencers were arrested in Iran: Sahra Afsharian, Sara Shariatmadari and Niloufar Moti'ei
Giordano, Chiara 7 October 2019
Bavandpoori, Elena 18 October 2019
Tabar was interviewed on Iranian national television in October 2019 after she was arrested on charges including and illegally obtaining money It was rumored that she had altered her face through as many as fifty plastic surgeries
Tabar was sentenced to ten years imprisonment in December 2020 Her Instagram account was deleted at the time of her arrest

The IRIB TV2 interview the charges against Tabar by presenting her as a person with a psychological disorder, who had believed her posts were acceptable because of the encouragement she received from her many Instagram followers.

السجن 10 سنين لشبيهة أنجلينا جولي الإيرانية
Arrest [ ] On 5 October 2019, Tabar was arrested in on charges of "blasphemy, instigating violence, illegally acquiring property, violating the national dress code and encouraging young people to commit corruption" according to the , which also stated that the arrest was a response to complaints from the public
سحر تبر اکبر طبر ؛ کدام ترسناک است؟
For some, it is "a reaction to the restrictive rules of compulsory hijab
سحر تبر
She told the interviewer that her childhood dream was to become famous, and she had persisted with building her Instagram fame despite the objections of her mother
On 13 April 2020, Sahar Tabar was diagnosed with while in prison during the He referred to the , asserting that since it indicates that "God is beautiful and loves beauty" actions taken to be more beautiful are endorsed by it
The country has the highest rate of nose surgery in the world In a 2017 interview with , Tabar explained the images were created primarily using makeup and Photoshop, with limited at that time to , , and injectable fillers in her lips

" In the 1980s, the spoke up in favor of rhinoplasty.

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Nonetheless, Tabar later received a ten year prison sentence
سحر تبر؛ اکبر طبر
Images [ ] Tabar's images on Instagram gathered over 486,000 followers
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Apart from beauty standards, the motivation for surgery may include expression of social status, marriage, self-expression, or boredom in a country with otherwise restricted dress codes