معنى السبع المثاني. تفسير الميزان

In order to grasp the full significance of this, one should keep in view the fact that at that time the Holy Prophet and his Companions were suffering badly from poverty As regards his Companions, some of the young men had been turned out of their homes and reduced to poverty
On the other side, the Quraish, their opponents and persecutors, enjoyed all the good things of this world, and lived lives of happiness and luxury In addition to their sad economic plight, all the Muslims, along with the Holy Prophet, were suffering persecution from the people of Makkah and its surroundings, In short, they were so much persecuted, ridiculed and insulted that no one of them was safe from physical and mental torture

Besides this, he had almost used up the whole wealth of Hadrat Khaijah.

تفسير الميزان
تعرف على ما هي السبع المثاني؟
The trading activities of the Holy Prophet had almost come to an end during the period in which he had been engaged in his Mission
الفصل الأول: القرآن والسبع المثاني
Demikianlah menurut riwayat yang dikemukakan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim; surah Al-Fatihah dinamakan demikian karena selalu dibaca berulang-ulang dalam setiap salat dan Alquran yang agung
The economic boycott had mined the business of those who were engaged in trade Somali - Abduh : waxaan ku siinay Todobo soo noqnoqota faataxada iyo Quraanka wayn• We have given you "wcalth " which surpasses all kinds of worldly riches
Therefore, your opponents should cnvy your knowledge and high morals; you need not cnvy their ill-canned wcalth and their wicked enjoyments, for when they will go before their Lord, they themselves will find that they had not brought such wcalth as carries any value there Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na tumekupa Aya saba zinazo somwa mara kwa mara na Qur'ani Tukufu• This is the background of the reassurance given to the Believers, as if to say, "Why should you feel disheartened at this?

Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah berikan kepadamu tujuh ayat yang dibaca berulangulang dan Al Quran yang agung• English - Sahih International : And We have certainly given you [O Muhammad] seven of the often repeated [verses] and the great Qur'an• 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我确已赏赐你常常反复诵读的七节经文和伟大的《古兰经》。 Italiano - Piccardo : Ti abbiamo dato i sette ripetuti e il Sublime Corano• There were others who were mere slaves or proteges of the Quraish and had no economic position whatever.

تفسير الميزان
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah memberi kepadamu wahai Muhammad tujuh ayat yang diulangulang bacaannya dan seluruh AlQuran yang amat besar kemuliaan dan faedahnya• telah bersabda bahwa yang dimaksud adalah surah Al-Fatihah
ما معنى السبع المثاني؟
تفسير الميزان