تست مي. سلول

Right tube: contains freshly drawn blood Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
Alberts, Bruce; Johnson, Alexander; Lewis, Julian; Raff, Martin; Roberts, Keith; Walter, Peter 2002 In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Left tube: after standing, the RBCs have settled at the bottom of the tube.

مجتمع بیمارستانی امیر اعلم
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
جی پی اس چیست و چگونه کار می کند ؟
Retrieved 20:32, June 29, 2008, from
Molecular Biology of the Cell
"Evidence of Archean life: Stromatolites and microfossils" "Cell evolution and the problem of membrane topology"
Raven, Peter Hamilton; Johnson, George Brooks 2002

"The origin of life — a review of facts and speculations".

صنایع الکترونیک سیماران
Schopf JW, Kudryavtsev AB, Czaja AD, Tripathi AB 2007
شركت كاميران نمایندگی ESET
29 361 1470 : 869—885
بانک کتاب تلکتاب